Finding A Balance Between Subject Matter & Color, Line and Form....

Because of the subject matter I choose, primarily landscapes containing man made features, my paintings are a product of the time in which I have lived, whereas a natural landscape or seascape may remain unchanged for centuries.

As an outer expression of my inner life, I work to recreate a representation of my emotional reaction to a particular, time and place.

Finding a balance between the subject matter and the color, line, and form, I work to create a solid composition, at times representing personal experience.

I paint largely for myself with some of the themes moving toward an almost autobiographical aspect.


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Our Happy Customers!

  • Rick is a talented artist, musician, visionary man.  His paintings are realistic and experiencing his art  allows you to stand on Main Street,  touch the rims of a river canyon,  feel the color and texture of blooming fruit trees,  watch the water and life on the canals of Venice, or walk the streets of his early years.   M. Collin


  • " I love the way Rick Kuhn has captured the genuine look of the well known, Newtown Congregational Church  which is near and dear to my heart." "This painting of the General Store is an authentic depiction of how it looked in the 1960's. It holds such a fond memory of my beloved Newtown."  


  • Whenever I look at Rick Kuhn's paintings,  I say to myself, what a wonderful world.

    D. Ellsworth